
About Me

Hi there! My name is Briana, but all my friends call me Breezy. I am so happy that you stumbled onto my little pride and joy... my bloggy blog. I have always LOVED to craft and decorate, and blogging is just an extra piece of happiness added to my life!

I suppose, since you are now addicted to my blog, that I should tell you some quick tidbits about myself...

Yes, I am using bullet points...I told you they were going to be tidbits ;)
  • I LOVE GOD, my family/friends, and my wonderful husband! 
  • My favorite Bible verse is Romans 12:2: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 
  • I grew up in central Iowa...GO HAWKS!
  • Graduated from Grace University in Omaha with a Secondary English Education & Religion Endorsement! 
  • We have a black lab whose name is TITUS. 

  • My favorite novel is Jane Eyre
  • Ry & I are movie buffs...we LOVE going to movies, and dominate at the game "Pass the Popcorn".
  • If I had to be trapped in a store for a whole week it would either be Target OR Hobby Lobby.
  • I am not a professional photographer...but I am working on it.
  • I say, "I am so blessed" at least three times a day!
I hope that you enjoy Something Breezy as much as I do! Would love for you to subscribe and follow me through email, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. 

~Wishing you Creative Bliss~