
Sunday, May 15, 2011

From Nothing Into Something

Life gives us so many opportunities to turn nothing into something. My husband and I got the chance to do this with our little efficiency apartment! The first time we looked at our place we knew that it needed a fix-me-up. We were ready for the challenged and signed the lease! With a little bit of paint, some help from my mom and mother-in-law, and a couple trips to Hobby Lobby we turned this nothing into something we call our home! :)

Here are the before AND after pictures:

  • Bathroom:

  • Bedroom/Living Room:

  • Area between bedroom, kitchen, & bathroom:

  • The Kitchen:

It was all worth it! Even after all the painting, Hobby Lobby trips, and staging the furniture. Throughout this summer I will be sharing my secrets into turning your nothings into somethings! 

~Wishing you Creative Bliss~


  1. I like your blog. It is very trendy!

  2. Ummm... I love this. When are you coming to Colorado to help me with my apartment?

  3. Thanks Anonymous :)

    And pay for the gas and I am there ;)
