
Friday, June 1, 2012

DIY Summer Wreath

 This is by far one of my favorite crafts I have completed so far. You know you want to bring some extra warmth this summer into your home by making this adorable wreath ;)  

I got this crafty inspiration from A Glimpse Inside if you need some more guidance.

Here's what I used:

  • Large Frame (try goodwill for a inexpensive one)
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Scrapbook Paper/Alpha-Stickers
  • Buttons
  • Twine 
  • Hot Glue Gun OR Need/Thread
1. Start by painting your frame if you are not satisfied with the color.
2. Here is the time consuming step, making your rosettes (otherwise known as yo-yos OR medallions).

3. There are two ways to make these:
 -Using a glue gun 
-Hand stitch with a good ole' needle and thread (Here is a great tutorial A Glimpse Inside (How-to Rosettes)

I did try both, and since I am not much of a seamstress I did most of mine with the glue gun! If you don't want to make them with a glue gun hop over to A Glimpse Inside (link above) to follow her hand stitched rosettes. 

4. Begin by measuring your ribbon out to about a yard and then cut it. 

5. Now, they don't call it a hot glue gun for nothing, so be very CAUTIOUS because it is going to be hot ;)

6. These may look complicated, but they really are just a simple accordion fold. So you will go back and forth gluing the inside part of your rosette after each fold (you only need about a little line of glue).

7. When you get close to the last bit of ribbon gather the two ends and glue them together. 

8. Add a cute little button and continuing to make the rosettes enough to fill your frame!

9. Figure out the way you want to place your rosettes and then use the glue gun to put them into place. 

10. The last touch is to make a little bunting banner using scrapbook paper and stickers. Hop over to A Glimpse Inside for quick reference for her quick steps in creating it.

11. Glue a little twine to your bunting banner and hang it to your frame. Add some ribbon to the top to give it a complete look!

12. Hang it your front door for the perfect summer welcome wreath! 

13. Hope this brings lots of extra WARMTH into your home this SUMMER! Comment below :)

~Wishing you Creative Bliss!~


  1. Hi! I just found your blog over on Blog Train and now I am your newest follower :) I would love it if you could visit mine sometime - it's

  2. Thanks Sarah! Love your cute blog and now I am your newest follower :)

  3. I am making this! Love it.

  4. Thanks for the warning on the hot glue. Ha. Ha. It is a cute, cute wreath.
