
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hootie Cutie

It's been awhile since I posted, but I have a good excuse...I was in Colorado on vacation!!! Yes it was very difficult to leave beautiful Breckenridge, but I guess I had to come back to reality sometime ;) I will post about my trip later, so for now lets talk baby shower gifts.

So, this post is all about two gender neutral baby shower gifts I have made up. The main tutorial featured today is dressing up a plain onesie & bib into a shower gift that everyone will give a hoot about :)

But before we get to that lets talk about the first room wall art! In my Oh My Buttons I began making a shower gift that I was going to reveal in this post.

Here is the craft half finished ;)

And finally....the finished product (that took me a three hours to complete)!

Train up a child the way he should go.
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6

Want to make one? Follow the tutorial Oh My Buttons and instead of using the initial as your focal point use other shapes such as this heart. I also added a bible verse from Proverbs 22:6 (with some scrapbook paper and mod podge) that I believe every parent should go by :) Don't you think this piece will make a great addition to a baby's room? 

Okay now we are to the main tutorial!

What I used:
  • Creations by Grace white bib & onesie (Hobby Lobby $7.00)
  • Iron On Felt Owl (Hobby Lobby $1.99)
  • Glue Gun & Glue Sticks (My Essentials)
  • Bag of Buttons (Hobby Lobby $4.99)

1. I found my iron and put it on the right setting to iron the owl onto the onesie. Once it is warm enough, place the owl where you want it to be. Run the iron over it for about 1 minute. Repeat that to the onesie as it is inside out. 

2. Here comes the fun part! Pick out some cute buttons and place them on the onesie wherever you like! I used my glue gun to attach the buttons, but if you have the patience then sewing works too.

3. On the bib you may put whatever your heart desires, but I wanted to make the onesie & bib a set so I put... HOOT!  :) Again, I didn't have the patience & time to sew the buttons on, but if you do go for it!

4. Finished! The only additional step I took was to make sure that with the set it says that it should be "hand washed" (just because I did glue the buttons on). If they were sewed on then I wouldn't worry about it :)

Happy Crafting!
~As always wishing you creative bliss!~

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